Amy Satsky
“Me and my friend got into a big fight and now they are saying they don’t want to be my friend and that they hate me. I’m really upset about this because I don’t want to lose them as a friend.” said one student.”
Dear Anonymous,
During high school maintaining friendships or making friends can feel really difficult for some students or for others feels very natural to them which could be because they have been able to make friendships their whole lives.
During my own experiences with having friendships and making friends, I have struggled my entire life. It is most definitely not something that comes naturally to me at all. I try to put myself out there many times but somehow I never succeed with building friendships.
I have learned so much about myself while being in friendships and while not having friends for long periods of time. While I was in a friendship with someone, I learned that many people have different morals and personalities. If I was in a friendship that I didn’t enjoy being in, it helped me learn the type of person I didn’t want to build a friendship with in the future, and what I wanted to look for in my next friend.
My advice to you in all honesty is if someone is wanting to end a friendship with you, let them. Do you want to remain friends with someone who doesn’t like having you around? Do you want to be that oddball friend? Who just sticks out from the rest of the group, by being ignored and treated differently? I would think not. I hope that you know how much you are worthy of having real friends, who wouldn’t want to end a friendship after one fight or argument. I know what it is like to be friends with people who don’t want to be friends with you. It is not a feeling I enjoy feeling. I constantly thought I wasn’t good enough for real friends who liked having me around.
I learned the incredibly hard way that it is much better to go without friends than to continue being friends with people who don’t want to be friends with you, or even like having you around. When you are by yourself you don’t have to worry about what others think of you or how your friends will feel about you.
This is just my personal opinion about your situation. If you decide to take my advice that is totally up to you. I hope everything works out the way you want it to.
Ask Amy